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  • Writer's pictureBokke

Out of the Norm

This piece is aimed at being written away from the normalities of using character and narrative. It provides a sense of real discomfort and abnormality. I hope you enjoy.

Precise Discomfort

You stand come on stage… Stand here…*goes takes audience members seat whilst they are left on stage*

Why are you there?

Who are you?

What do you do?

What do you think of me?

What do you think of your wife?


What do you think of race?

Is interracial okay?

Swear for me

Shout at a loved one

You uncomfortable

Im glad

Walk around the stage and smile

Now take your shirt off


Do it


You scared bitch

Sit down and show me how scared you are

Are you attractive?

No your not

Is your wife attractive

Yes she is

Should she take her shirt off for u?


Stand up

Don’t move

Be silent

*Enters back on stage*

Takes shirt off

Maybe you should be here

Maybe life provides fear

What is life without fear?

Can you be living if not scared

Do you fear death

No pleasure no life

No pleasure no life

You need pleasure to continue in life

I get pleasure in this

(Actor Continues improvising for as long as they like and can take it wherever they like however it must end with u on the seat and the audience member on your lap)

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