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Another For Love and Information

Here is a piece i wrote to be added into Caryl Churchill's Love and Information. The intriguing way in which she uses the episodic Structure is fascinating to me and i had to have a go. Taking influence from Loveplay by Moira Buffini, and Pornography by Simon Stephens assisted me in writing this piece.


It hurts

No it doesn’t

It does

Its not even that bad

Yes it is that mean, look at it.

Hmmm okay i can stop it.

You can’t

I will, i always will

It hurts

It hurts

I can’t stop it

I can’t stop it

It hurts

I will help it

You can’t

I will, There, feel better

It doesn’t hurt, thank you

I will always help you, here take this

I will never forget this

You better not forget this ever.

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