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A Scene from 'A Nightmare in Flamingo'

Here is one of the scenes from a play I have written called A Nightmare in Flamingo, it challenges the bridge between realism and surrealism. I took influence from Hunter S. Thompson's novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I have received feedback of over narrating this scene, so in the full play i have edited it accordingly however as a standalone scene i think it is necessary. Enjoy.

Nightmare in the Flamingo





Setting (Spoken by Narrator)

They are in the Pink Flamingo in Las Vegas, the heat is unbearable and sweat line the carpets making them soft to walk on. Rum and Tequila lines the throats of everyone who hasn’t taken Class A drugs and even then who knows what substances have been taken. A cocaine fuelled bartender examines a dirty martini glass, his shirt untucked on one side and a dish cloth hangs from the backside of his black trousers which haven’t been pressed in weeks. Two men sit drooling over their half empty glasses of Scotch each of them wearing a Hawaiin shirt and brown shorts, they seem to be mirroring each other, a state only a mixture of Ketamine and Entanox gives you. A band of young woman sit around a small circular table. dressed like prostitutes but scowling at every person who accidentally glances in their direction. Each of them sporting different a dull colour of the rainbow. At the End of the room is the check in desk where a lizard like woman stands, here eyes popping out of her face and three teeth at least missing. She was huge you do not fuck with this lady. Our hero stands at the entrance besides him a suicidal porter who is attempting with no effort to lumber two huge bags. Our hero floats over to the desk avoiding the moist carpet below him, glancing around the room taking the environment in.

(At the Check-in Desk)

Hero: I have a booking under Johnston. Here is my card

(He empties his pockets pulling out a toothpick, a needle, two playing cards and a chicken foot, he places the chicken foot on the table infant of him, the receptionist licks her eyeballs with a forked young and proceeds to eat the foot and hand his key card to him)

Receptionist: Fuck off and enjoy your stay (She says in a sweet rough voice)

(Our hero looks around he sees scales everywhere, there were huge reptilians everywhere. Behind the bar this huge cobra standing with two arms watching the aldol drip down the side of a dirty glass, his eyes dart towards our hero, he is shocked yet is filled with a comfortable ease and winks at the bartender, the barman hisses and continues to look in ore at the glass. He notices the two boars at the bar, they seem to be having conversations with the scotch in their glasses, they are leaking sweat onto the carpets bit like leaky pipes. Animal farm comes to mind. Our hero then is left with the image of these gorgeous woman, well groomed and lusting over him. They seem to beckoning him over to be with them, sex was on their breath. The thought of that was alluring yet the Chandelier from the ceiling was rightfully screaming at our hero saying no, morality was calling from above.)

(Hero walks up to the porter)

Hero: What a nice bunch of people you have here, you must be very pleased with the customers you bring in.

(The angel looks up and glances at our hero and then looks back at his shoes. He has a broken ring floating above his head, it is slanted and off centre, it flickers like a broken LED light. He floats slightly off the ground his two wings looking like old vulture wings flapping slowly)

Porter: Yeah i suppose we are lucky sir

Hero: Give me a second

(Hero turns away from the porter and the audience and snorts loudly, as he does so there is a fast earthquake sound and flashing of lights, the Hero turns back around white powder on his knows, the colours are now bright and beautiful, the porter is standing proud a normal human his long dread locked hair neatly tied up and the Hero´s rucksack on his back, the band of woman having a nice chat all dolled up and proud of who they are smiling at everyone having a nice catch up, the two fat men in bright Hawaiin shirts look at each other having a laugh with the handsome bartender who is obviously a hit with the band of ladies. The receptionist smiles at them nicely with a full set of teeth and gorgeous red lipstick on. Vibrant colours fill the stage.)

Hero: Now too the room lead the way

Porter: My pleasure Sir

(The porter leads the Hero off the stage, they exit the stage and there is a lift sound, a ping as the elevator opens the closes)

(There is a blackout followed by manic lights flashing. A smooth song Jazz preferably plays in the background however it keeps being cut up by a excruciating unnatural sound. The characters walk across the stage crossing between each other, each time they cross their different forms are shown, suddenly there is a darkness and a door at the back of the stage opens revealing the silhouette of our hero and the porter, with a unbearably bright light behind them. As they step into the room the stage slowly fills with dim light from the neon lights which have been put around the stage. The neon lights are predominantly red with some blue, two of them are flickering. The scent of unwanted sex and cheap aftershave fills the air. the room has a single unmade bed, a circular table with a ash tray with a used cigerette in it. both characters resume in a human form)

Porter: Your room, master (he nonchalantly shakes his leg and out falls a bone)

Hero gazes out into the room his field of view shift slowly as if he going to break the fourth wall, a moment of silence is held as if he can see the audience but is done non deliberately.

Porter: Sir are you okay

Hero: Yes sorry i am conscious i had a moment (he sneezes)

Porter: Okay sir good, here is your room key (he places a normal keycard on the table next to the ash tray, he looks at the used ciggerete and picks it up and stuffs it into his pocket) I have put your bags by the bed (two fishtanks are sat by the bed, both filled with dirty green water) if you need anything call us. (Porter exits the room dragging his feet)

Hero walks over to his bags aka the fishtanks and places his hand in the water, he pulls it out grasping a lightbulb.

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