Following some fantastic response off Mental Entropy, I was inspired to run a workshop on Method acting and Acting for atmosphere. It was a great success and had fantastic feedback on it. Here is my lesson plan and attached will be links to videos of the workshop and a few images.
Workshop Plan
Sit in Circle on floor and talk about…..
- Introduction to myself and my past experience
- Diploma
- Teaching Experience in this subject and other fields
- Performances
- You can trust me
- Discuss the white sheet/blank slate method
- Discuss Dissasociation
- Get them to introduce themselves and tell the group some personal information, immediately achieve the element of discomfort.
Warm Up
- Stand opposite each other across the room and get them to complement each other insultingly and then flip it.
- The come close and bring in a intimate element get one to seduce the other
- Mirroring each other
Exersize 1
- Firstly walk around the room isolating yourself from everyone else. get a feel of the presence in the space and the atmosphere, how do they interpret it.
- Get them to sit isolated not looking at anyone closed eyes, get comfortable. White noise sound, achieve blank slate.
- Play atmospheric music - Monstercat - Whilst everyone stay isolated get them to explore emotions they experience whilst listening to the music. Discuss
- Now repeat and gradually as they begin to feel it get them to stand up and interpret the atmosphere into emotion walk around the room and act it out
- Repeat step 4 with different variations of music
- Pair up and use music to create a interaction with one another, bring for 1 to 10 in intensity levels
Exercise 2
- Get them blank sheet again and then force them into a situation where they are uncomfortable
- Now get them to use their own past experiences to create a convincing emotion
- Bring intensity of said emotion/memory from 1 to 10
- Now let them express the emotion in a solo performance
- Give them a song in which they have to create a short duologue
- Force them to act intimately and emotionally
To Finish
- Discuss the points and achievement
- Explore the idea of disassociation