This lecture evolved around a guest lecturer Tobi Kyere - the founder of the Black Ticket Project
- Black Ticket Project - 2017
o This is an initiative started by Tobi in order for young black kids access to theatre, where free tickets are given to kids.
o That expense of theatre removes part of the population from seeing theatre
o What about a white ticket project, Tobi responded (not quoted accurately) ‘If someone wants to start it, I’d be willing to donate and support the cause’
o Barbershop Chronicles, (set in the round, started by getting haircut) show set in barber shops around the world
o White audience predominantly so bought a bunch of tickets and gave them out
o 9 night collaborate with national in order to see show through fundraiser
o Don’t need to like the work but just create opinion
- About Tobi
o Theatre Poetry and Festival producer Based in southwest London
o Worked with apple and pears - works seeks to amplify unheard voices
o Bush theatre, Glastonbury festival
o Interesting in creating provocative and thought-provoking performances, looking into sociopolitical issues
- Notes on Interview
o Mainly works in live performance
o Been producing for 5 years working in the field for 7 years
o Started in oval house theatre as an assistant
o In that time assisted in producing a promenade performance
o Btec in performing arts
o Apprentice at battersea arts Centre 3 and half years
o 2016 worked for old Vic
o 2017 bush theater working in up next for artistic leadership running buildings and how they are run
o Babylon festival
o Passion project
o Brownworks -black and brown producers meeting
o Blackticket project – barbershop chronicles
o Wasn’t intended to become a project but then it did
o Theatres won’t run the black ticket project themselves
o Been progress in the black community in theatre growth
o Understanding what personal taste of theatre is and how to incorporate it into any space
o Lack of diversity in race lowered the diversity of art
o How to change leadership – flow freeing theatre
o Lots of self-funding due to position
o Patreon set up for black ticket project
o Funding in London is difficult compared to outside London
o Public funding for lots of projects she runs
o Criticism for her projects – Afropunk festival due to building being a location of dispute forced the organization to move the building. Have to know what the prioritization is, wellbeing of artists for Tobi.
o White ticket project – more people who want to see theatre is great. A lot of hate comes from hollow remarks and people. Always with demographics will be hate
o Social media is both blessing and a charm, amazing for promotion data and statistics versus hate and ridicule
o People making work in this time allows for boundaries of casting and commercializing work
o Leading organizations 1500 performing arts buildings and only 7 runs by none white people and 4 are black, 3 appointed in 2018
o Depending on nurture people have more opportunities to get to the positions they want