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Writing in Performance - Week 9

What is the apparatus of the lecture?

What features do we expect to find in a lecture?

- Words and clear statements

- A person delivering the information

- Organization of material

- Audience

- Informative documents, visual aids, supplementary material

- Microphone

- Audience participation

- Note taking items

- Illustrative materials

- Clicker to flick through slides

- Black board/white boards

- Projector

- PowerPoint

See - Joshua Sofaer – Embarrassment: A bare Buttocked Lecture

- ‘The lecture is divided into five sections that systematically work through a discussion of various aspects of embarrassment. During the lecture there is a continual aim to illustrate the thesis by a physical exemplification of embarrassment’

Mat Fraser – Cabinet of Curiosities: how disability was kept in a box

Third Angel: Hurrysickness and 600 people

Bobby Baker – Series of life shows

Kitchen show

How to shop

Meta Theatre – Self Aware as theatre (Theatre about theatre)

Meta Lecture – Lecture about lecturing

How is knowledge created?

Who gets to deliver it?

What is the relationship between art/performance and pedagogy?

Task write a 5min performance lecture 750 words


- All art comes from improvisation

o Good morning everybody I am Jack Allison let me begin by questioning you, where does art start from? The beginning point for every creator in any field of original art is improvisation.

Set of rules

Aaron Williams

- Happiness is a choice

o This is a very difficult choice to achieve and make and sometimes people don’t ever make it, yet it is still a choice.

- Public toilet manners

o Hello everyone, I am Jack Allison, here to discuss a topic everyone has experienced, possibly the most traumatising experiences ever. I want to give a warning that if you are not comfortable in this lecture you may leave, we will also be providing counselling services on exit, the topic discussed today, public toilets.

500 sheets on two-ply how can you incorporate that idea?

- Kinks possibly

o I can read you as a human being and reveal your deepest darkest secrets

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