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Writer's pictureBokke

Writing in Performance - Week 3

Writing in Performance - Week 3

Review of reality bending scenes

- the idea of setting adapting to the idea of bending reality - Links to Tony Kushner, Angels in America Part 1: Millennium Approaches

- Sandpit, church, moral world, emotional world

- On top of a skyscraper questioning you jumping or not as you have the uncanny urge to jump - In 1920 psychologist Sigmund Freud published Beyond the Pleasure Principle, where he writes about the “opposition between the ego or death instincts and the sexual or life instincts”, namely the so-called “death drive”. Practically, Freud says, some people wish for death and that some suicides are purely impulsive, absent any sign of depression or even sadness.

- Homeless man moral dilemma - See Stanfords Encyclopedia of Philosophy

- Two children playing in a sandpit

Love and Information

- Director and Actor are the conveyer of the titles for the audience as they are the first to read it before it is shown - New to both actor and audience

- Titling each scene thus giving a title to the conversation - Verbatim?

- Effect of the episodes - Each meant to entice the audience into thinking about a subject around love and Information and possible links between

Other plays done in episodes

- Stoning Mary (Debbie Tucker Green)

- Loveplay (Moira Buffini)

- Pornography (Simon Stephans)

- Vagina Monologues


- Social media i use management of it, i manage the amount im on it as it becomes influecial on myself as a person

- Organisation, to see things clearly


- Emotions conflicting with thoughts

- Societies crave for adoration not love - Berlin Wall Stories i.e. Through the Barricades - Spandau Ballet

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