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Writer's pictureBokke

Writing in Performance - Week 1

I enjoy writing and at university i get the grand opportunity to write, here are how my lessons pan out, see "My Writing" to discover my own creations

- Would you rather activity

- Brief on upcoming year

What makes a play a play?

- space (peter brooke)

- physical expression

- audience response

- characters and relationships

- performers

- presentation for an audience (mine en scene)

- structure

- the space the audience occupies

- setting for audience and performers

- setting for the piece

- verbal expression

What is necessary?

What can you strip down and still have a play?

We Looked at Three short plays:

Play Number. 3

- Conflict between two generations

- Two different classes: Bass music vs Radio 4

- Age indication: “little boy” “young man”

- Dependent on each other: young and old dependance

Play Number 51

- Contrasting characters

- Making meaning out of the rubbish (making meaning and the understanding of meaning)

Play Number 94

- Ambiguity of the play and the understanding

- Terrorist threats because nobody knows about the bag and the current climate of life rn with the terrorist threats

- Setting of the play indicates this idea of threat because of the bag

- Times set of the play was 2009 post 2001

- A simple bag can take on a much wider idea

In bed by Claire MacDonald

- the fluxes movement: Yoko ono

- a piece for learning (Brecht)

The Group put together 3 mini performances

First group

- showing a group doing a task with concentration

- the metaphorical questions being posed to the audience

Second group

- use of space of choreography and space

- possibilities of saying no or telling a story

Third group (my group)

- how in depth do certain peoples dreams will be

- how much of the dreams or material do you show the audience

Samuel Beckett

- Seen as a modernist

- Dramatical limits pushed

- Play: Come and Go (Dramaticule)

- not names that are immediately recognisable

- a lot of silences (Harold Pinter)

- “sitting like we used to” - micro backstory

- Pattern of one leaving and the others whispering and judging the person who has left

- “i can feel the rings” - note in costume “no rings apparent”

- no specification on the ring type

- extreme precision of the movement and leaving the stage - Silent, precise, still

Work to do:

- Write a Play no longer then A4 and the play has the idea of a single shoe centre stage

- Read the whole play of Angels in America: Millennium Approaches

- Read Visit to a small planet some questions to ask a play by EF

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