Theatre is a production of something - Unfortunately there is a financial factor of theatre regardless of anything.
- Products/Produce - Producer
- Tools - Actors
- Techniques - Practitioners (Stanislavsky, Brecht etc)
- Creative Process - Director (Creative Team)
Live Art
- Experimental theatre - Avant Garde Theatre not Bourgeois theatre
- Frames human behaviour
- According to Tate Modern (
- In 1999 the publicly funded Live Art Development Agency was founded in London, UK, to promote and co-ordinate activity in this field.
- Live art also refers to art using living animals or plants. A major practitioner of this has been the Arte poverra artist Jannis Kounellis.
The systems of power and hierarchy of theatre, the director controls all or does the audience control all?
Then went into discussion of our blog entries on Underground Railroad Game
My Discussion Points
- The Quality of performance and focus on the necesscity of the shock factor
- Whether the use of nudity and sexual references where needed
- The discussion went on to talk about the ideas of sexuality and relationships in the time and how the piece bridged the gab between history and present. Also hinting at the future.