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Encountering Theatre - Week 1

Here are my notes from the first week of Encountering Theatre, have a look into the mind of a theatre student

Contents of Subject:

- Going to be discussing theatre and reading theatre

- Discovering context in theatre

- Where is the show taking place?

- The difference in theatre from all sides

- What is the audience comprised off?

- What type of building do you enter when going to the theatre?

- What do you make of the performance?

Performances this Year

- Underground rail road game - Soho theatre

- Twelfth Night - Young Vic

- Chekhov’s first play By Dead Centre - Battersea Arts Centre

- Fat Blokes By Scottee - Southbank centre

- Hadestown -National Theatre

Work to do

- Look at website

- Research Tobi Kyere

Important Words

- Semiotic Approach: Reading Signs - Reading the stage as if it was a text

- Embodiment -To contain within your body

Important names

- Jan Svankmajer

Genre Depth

- Tragedy

- Comedy

- ‘the canon’

- New Writing

- Solo Performance/monologue

- Verbatim Theatre

- Devised Theatre

- Live Art (Live art development agency LADA)

- Musicals

- Cabaret and Drag

- Immersive Theatre

- Community Theatre

- Physical Theatre and Dance

- Participatory art

- Stand-up Comedy

- Performance Documentation (Photographs, objects, remainders)

- Sport

- Performance activism and street protest

Places to go

- Guardian Stage

- Exuent Magazine

- Ubuweb

- Hemispheric Institute


- The Stage

- Blog Example: Synonyms for Churlish

Postcards from the Gods

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